Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Countertops!!!!

These are our old countertops (the tile with the horrible grout).
They had to rip the counter tops off (obviously) and disconnect our stove. Our sink was in the backyard for a couple of days.

Still under construction. The whole job only took 1 1/2 days. It was great!!

I love the new countertops!!! I am very happy (all except they chipped my sink and we are trying to get them to compensate us). We are getting our floors done also...very soon. We will post those pictures too. Since we never have any visitors from out of state (come see us)...this is how we have to show off some of our new improvements!!!


Terri said...

jaimee how incredible, your counters look awesome. I am very jealous!!!! I love all the pictures. Iam sorry Iam not on as much as I should be anymore. Love, love, love you!!!!!!

Kandice said...

Those countertops are so pretty!! They look great. Hopefully we can get out there soon! Love ya!

just dandee said...

Oh Jaimee, your countertops look awesome! It changes the whole look of your kitchen. I love home improvement projects. Unfortunately for Dan, I always have a new project up my sleeve. This year, it is our yard. Dee