Sunday, April 13, 2008

Clogged Disposal

So, my fantastic sister in law (Mandy...Scott's wife) was cooking at our house and she made some yummy mashed potatoes. Can you guess what she did? Yep....she put all the peels down the drain and can you guess what happened next. I bet you can.... The disposal would turn around and around but as soon as we turned the disposal off the water would come flooding back into the sink. It was a couple days before we could figure out how to fix it. I called my friend Nattalie (her hubby is a plumber) and he said to take apart the pipes under the sink and see if the peels were caught in the pipe. So we took his advice but since we are not plumbers we didn't know what to expect. We had a tiny towel.....yep....another stupid thing!! As soon as he unhooked the pipes.....Ahhhhhhhhhhh water started flooding onto the cupboard and the floor. Keep in mind we just got wood floors put in. They were brand new and we are all ready breaking them in by flooding the kitchen. We quickly started throwing towels everywhere!!! We finally got it cleaned up and we still couldn't fix the problem. So at a later date we became more prepaired and put a very Large bucket under the pipes and began to take them apart somemore. This time we fixed the problem. YUCK!! I dry heaved as the dirty, stinky water flooded into the bucket and Jay made me wash out the pipes that had mold infested potato peels stuck in them. Mandy felt really bad. Of course we won't stop teasing her!! That's what family is for! Later I will put a picture on the blog of my new floors. Technically, they aren't finished yet. They forgot to do a spot. Jason was home and didn't notice. I guess you can't expect a man to review a job before he pays them the final check. Some advice....always have the wife check it out before you give the company the rest of the money. Haha!!! I keep teasing my hubby about it. When I get a chance I will post a picture.


Terri said...

Oh my gosh Jaimee I would have just died. I cant believe that happen to you guys. I would for sure give Mandi a hard time forever on that one. Your floors survived it though right? I just love everything you have done. Can you believe you come to stay with me in about 10 weeks. I hope it goes by fast!!!! I love ya.

Tami and Kaleo said...

HI Jaimee
I love your pics and your stories. Seriously we would never see all these fun things they are doing if it were not for this blogging thing. Love you tami

Tami and Kaleo said...

HI Jaimee
I love your pics and your stories. Seriously we would never see all these fun things they are doing if it were not for this blogging thing. Love you tami

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Telefone VoIP, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Moo Moo J said...


I am so jealous of your kitchen!!! How fun to be able to remodel. Some day huh??? Jared is just going to have to graduate soon right? Actually we are getting close, we have a strong lead at Cal Tech, that would take us back to Cali, we could visit!!!!!! I finally updated my blog, I swear i am going to get better than once a month but I guess you always need to have dreams right?? I miss you!


Terry's said...

Hi hon! I would have bawled my eyes out for sure! I always check your blog and wonder why you never had anywhere to leave a comment...until I realized it's just very light:)
I'm glad everyone is good in your fam, they are all beautiful!Especially Jason.
Love Cris

Kandice said...

Is it that obvious that we are Jazz fans?:) This whole disposal fiasco sounds like a good time!! Your floors are beautiful by the way! Love you guys!

jemntref said...


I can't believe that I have looked at your blog and I've updated mine before you have updated yours, aren't you like the master blogger!? Just kidding, Happy Mother's Day I miss ya!
