Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday family fun....

Look how long Alex's letter to Santa is!! I know you won't beable to read this. She said that she just wanted to give Santa a variety of ideas!

Tristan wrote this letter all by himself. I only helped him with two words. He sounded the rest out himself. (again....I don't know if you can read it or not)

Here is a picture of Kaleb's letter to santa. I don't think that he really understood what kind of things to ask for. (I don't know if you can read it or not)

Alex got up and fixed a pancake breakfast for all of us. Great Chef!


Tami and Kaleo said...

Jaimee your letters to Santa Clause are so funny. I made my kids write letters to Grandma for her birthday. They are so hilarious, in Elijah letter he asked how old is grandma. My kids love watching your kids online. Sorry I need to update my website. I love you, Cant wait for you to come down. Love Tami

Kandice said...

Jaimee these pictures are so cute!! I love all of your slides. Tristan is a little movie star and so cute. Kaleb is adorable, I love is picture in the soccer slide with the orange in his mouth. Alex is getting so big, I just can't believe it. She is beautiful. Hopefully we can see you soon.

Terri said...

You are so good jaimee to update your blog. Its so cute and I love the letters. Its funny to think how many things you want when you are a kid. All of your slide shows are cute and the one soccer one.....umm ya you guys say brrrrrrr, but what was it 55 degrees it is 27 right now. I love you allllllllll.

Moo Moo J said...


You need to come and visit me so Alex can teach Maddie her skills. I thought her making toast and cereal was great, I had know idea the possibilities!!!
