Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our life is crazy!

I am apologizing for not posting new things!!! I was on such a roll and then....I don't really know. It is the end of the school year and a billion things need to get done. Our week looks like this: Sunday and Monday: of course church and then on both days we always have Jason's brother and his family over for dinner. Tuesday: Alex has her softball game Wednesday: Tristan has soccer practice Thursday: Kaleb has T-Ball practice Friday: Alex has softball practice Saturday: We have 3 sports games to attend. The last two weekends, Alex has had double headers in 100 degree weather (ahhhhhhhh). The worst thing during the week is all this happens within one hour of arriving home from work and school. So, by the time we do practices, games, homework, dinner, and baths......I am ready to scream!!!! My husband has his 2 jobs that he does during the day and then on Monday and Wednesday nights he teaches History at the college. So, he is just as busy working on his jobs as I am running the kids around after work and school. I have been grading standardized tests, doing report cards, and creating memory books for my kindergartners. (And of course I have been trying to fit the gym in between all of this. ) This past week Jason and I have gone to bed at either 12:30 am, 1:30 am, or 2:00 am and then the wonderful sound of the alarm goes off at 5:10 am. So actually, I should be in bed right now. I tried to make a post of a slide show, but the computer was having problems. Who knows!!! Anyway, school gets out June 4th and then I will beable to relax!!! Okay....I am going to bed now!!! (hey its 10:15 pm......maybe I can get to bed early)


Kandice said...

That sounds crazy!! We miss hearing what you guys are up to...but we understand! Miss you guys! Love ya

Steph said...

Hooray! I found your blog! Very cute.

Tami and Kaleo said...

Hey Jaimee you look so pretty in the pics of you and Sharon at the wedding. Seriously J once school was out over here a few weeks ago I was like what a free minute and i slept in in fact I am still in my PJ and it is 5. Are you excited to come see me to. J.k. Love you Tami

just dandee said...

Wow! You are one crazy lady! What a schedule. How do you do it. Are you guys coming to the Stratford family reunion in July (I think)? Hope so. I really look forward to the times when we get to see you.