Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it Vegas?

This is absolutely crazy! This is the most snow that they have had since 1979! It is all over the news. They even cancelled school tomorrow because Las Vegas is not equiped with snow plows...since they don't usually need them. Yeah!!! What wonderful news!!! We had so much fun playing outside in the snow, but Tristan wouldn't come out. He said that it was too cold and he just wanted to play on the computer. I finally got him to come out and go down the sled once...I tried to video but my hands were soooo frozen that my fingers couldn't even turn on the camera.
This is what Jason's head looked like after he was done cleaning up the tree branch that fell...because of the snow.

Jason enjoying himself in the snow.

Look at all the snow on the ground.

Here is the tree branch that broke off the tree because the snow was too heavy.

More pictures of what it looked like outside. Can you believe this is Vegas!

Here is the tree branch hanging down...after it almost snapped off completely.

Jason left his soda Tristan had to go and get it for him (he thought shorts were the appropriate attire after he was done playing in the snow...I told him to wear warm cozy clothes...and this is what he comes out with.

This is as far as I got Tristan to come out. It was too cold and he would rather play on the computer.

See the snow on the palm tree and how thick it is on the table and palm trees.

A picture of one side of our yard.

Here is the other side.

Yes....surprise......we do have a pool!! We decided to not tell anyone of our family and we surprised them at Thanksgiving. Since now we are obviously telling people about the pool...we will blog the picutres of it being dug up. You will have to give me some time. I am trying to put current and slightly old pictures up first.

Alex and Kaleb sliding down the hill.

Me and Jay staying cozy together in the snow!

Me and Alex...posing so that you can see our snowy street (behind us).

This is Grace and her mom, Kari.

Us again...and Jay in the background...talking on the phone for work.

Me and Alex posing with the snow flakes :)

Jay...talking to someone from work. (enjoying the snow)

Jason took his foot and printed our last name in the snow.

More snow pictures!

Here is the side and part of the front of our yard.

More pictures of the street.

Grace and Alex built a snowan.

Look at our is spliting down the middle. Our poor vegas trees...they aren't made for snow.

One more picture. I know....we are crazy for all the pictures!

Kaleb wanted to be in the picture of the snowman that they built.

Alex and Grace sliding down our neighbors driveway. Pay attention when the video is ending. Right when I stopped the video...she totally fell on her face getting off the sled. hehe
Kaleb and Alex sliding down the driveway. They almost run into the truck.

Jaimee trying out the sled.

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