Thursday, April 2, 2009

Found more pictures!

Tristan got Student of the Month for March. He was sooo excited!! His awards assembly was at 8:15 am, so Jason came and brought Kaleb and Alex with him....then took them to school at 9:00 am. Tristan was soooo happy to have his whole family there. Obviously I was there since I work there.

Tristan was in a play called...."Bugz". He was an Army Ant....and was also a captain in the Army Ants song. He did soooo great. He had his parts memorized along with the song and dance.

I made him pose!

I made him pose again!

Tristan lost a tooth at school. They gave him a tooth necklace.

Do you see the space on the bottom....where he lost it.

I caught Kaleb sitting in the back seat of the car....and if anyone knows my husband Jason....they all know that he has a bad habit of sitting this same way....stretching out his shirts. Kaleb told me he was sitting just like daddy does. I laughed sooo hard and then grabbed the camera.


Tami and Kaleo said...

Hey I commented on the bottom check it out

Kandice said...

That's so funny that Kaleb sits like Jason does!! Way to go Tristan!