Thursday, July 10, 2008

Just Call Me Cinderella!!

So as you know I went to my sister Terri's house to help her out when the baby came. I had so much fun while I was there. I know that I joke that I was Cinderella, but that is okay!!! That is exactly why I went down there. I wanted to help! It was finally my turn to give back! So, the kids had a blast playing with their cousins everyday. Of course the kids got really good at apologies!! I knew that I wouldn't beable to have an apology free trip. Overall...the kids got along. Terri made sure that Mia was potty trained before I got there because she did not want to hear the wrath of me. I had given Mia a couple packages of underwear and kept asking Terri if she was wearing them. A little bird told me that she wasn' Terri got busy pretty fast with Mia's potty training right before I came. She kept telling Mia..."Auntie Jaimee will be so proud of you", but what she really was saying was..."you better learn this before Jaimee gets here or else I am dead!" (Just Joking Terri...i love you) Anyway, I had spent time with my mom and dad, Tami/Kaleo and her kids and my good friends Cindy and Greg. I think our kids played in their swim suits everyday!! By the time we left my kids were as brown as Terri's kids are naturally! Hehe! We brought our WII down and everyone including my mom and dad played it!! Silver came with me and we took the kids to the Verterans Memorial water park (along with Cindy and her kids). We also attended the 4th of July Parade. My kids had so much fun. I don't think Kaleb and Tristan have really seen parades (other than Disney Land) because Vegas doesn't really have them. Alex use to see them in Cedar all the time. We did fireworks and BBQ. There was so many funny things that happened while we were would take forever to blog all of it! So I took some pictures with my camera phone (so they aren't very good). won't let me post pictures so I will try and post them later.

1 comment:

Julie said...

so I love the fact that you said you spent time with......everyone but me.....haha thanks jaimee ;) I would appreciate it if you would change you blog....hehe love you!!!!!