Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kaleb wanting to be on camera for any reason....(remember to pause the music playing)


Kasey said...

Hi! My husband Dave does remember you and your sister. I am going to e-mail Debbie with your blog address so she can see all of your pictures. Stephanie and I were roommates her first year at SUU but I was in secondary education so we had different classes. But we were all definitly up there at the same time. Small world!

Tami and Kaleo said...

HI Jaimee and Frayers..
Love you its Tami and the fabulous non blogger. I need to do it more. I love the music my daughter and I are jamming out to it. I can't believe how beautiful Alex and I am totally jealous of your days of freedom. I swear Kaleb and Elijah are same DNA. They should be twins. I can't wait for your family to come down it will be fun. Love you Tami